Best Plastic and Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

Unshaven Hair Transplant in Turkey

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Unshaven Hair Transplant in Turkey

2 Days
1 Days
8 Hours
Local Anesthesia
7-10 Days
7th Day

Unshaven Hair Transplant

Our recommendation for patients who don’t want to be deprived of social life or want an easier healing process is an unshaved hair transplant.

Our patients can get their new hair while they continue their daily normal life.

What’s Unshaven Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant can be performed without a haircut. There is only one difference with FUE Method. Anyone can be done unshaved hair transplant.

This technique is a perfect option for those who wish to keep all of their hair during the procedure instead of having some of the hair shaved off. The graft is between 500 and 2000 in unshaven hair transplant. The best results come from those who only require a small number of grafts.

Advantages of Unshaven Hair Transplant

Some patients are postponing their dreams or following alternative ways. Unshaven hair transplant is developed for these reasons.

People have to wait through the hair growth after cutting because of normal hair transplant, so they separate from social and working life. Both you will make hair transplant for no hairy part or rare part on your head and it will not be necessary to cut your hair with the help of Unshaved Hair Transplant.

Who can apply Unshaved Hair Transplant?

Unshaved Hair Transplant can be applied to anyone over the age of 18, even male or female. It is important for the treatment that the specialist and patient decide the count of planting hair to be planted.

Hair transplant can be applied to the hair which is genetically or afterward disorders caused by hair loss.