Best Plastic and Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

Sapphire Percutaneous Method

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Sapphire Percutaneous Method
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Sapphire Percutaneous Method

2 Days
1 Days
8 Hours
Local Anesthesia
7-10 Days
7th Day

Sapphire Percutaneous Method

The hair taken from the nape is planted through the opening of tiny holes in the area to be planted.

In the Sapphire Percutaneous method, a special gap is created for each hair strand, thus providing a natural appearance. Each hair strand has a special appearance due to the opening of the special space for them.

What’s Sapphire Percutaneous Method

Sapphire Percutaneous Method enables us to plant more follicles per centimeter. With this method, it can be planted between 60-80 grafts per centimeter instead of only 40.

His recovery is pretty fast with the Sapphire Percutaneous method and it has less swelling. The surgery lasts approximately 6-9 hours. Sapphire Percutaneous Method is done in very few clinics in the world. In a standard hair transplant, the recovery time is 15-20 days while in the Sapphire Percutaneous method is 3-7 days.

Hair Transplant with Percutaneous Method

Sapphire hair transplant method used for opening canals to where hair follicles will be planted.

The device used in hair transplant is obtained from natural sapphire and does not damage the skin tissue.

Advantages of Sapphire Percutaneous Method

  • Because Sapphire is a natural element that does not harm the skin.
  • The recovery time is faster
  • There is a little pain after this method
  • There is less bleeding in the canals
  • The risk of infection is less with this method
  • The materials used in the sapphire method are disposable.
  • Hair is more natural

Recovery Process

Recovery time is faster. You can go back to your daily life in a few days.

You should protect your head area after Sapphire Method.