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Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty) in Turkey

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Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty) in Turkey

7 Days
1 Days
2-4 Hours
General Anesthesia
1-2 Weeks
7th Day

What is Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)?

Nose Aesthetic a nose reshaping surgery.

Although its name is referred to as Rhinoplasty Surgery, one of our most important goals is the breathing function of the nose.

The operations are performed to render the external appearance of the nose more aesthetically pleasing or to solve breathing problems

Disturbing deformations, which are recognized as external images such as curvature, lowness, thinness, and thickness, are corrected by simple interventions. These interventions are various according to the individual and do not interfere with everyone. While interventions such as reducing the excess of the arch in the nose, lifting the noses, decreasing the exaggerated length, and removing the low nostrils, applications are performed which show differences according to the individual.

How is nose aesthetics done?

Nose aesthetic surgery can be performed in your nose or at the bottom of your nose with a small external cutting between your nostrils. Your doctor will correct the subcutaneous bone and cartilage again. Your doctor will make changes depending on the structure of your nose and the current cartilage and bone structure. At the end of the operation, you will experience positive breathing function and appearance. Closed Rhinoplasty For closed rhinoplasty, an incision is performed in the nostril. This technique is frequently used in patients who want improvement in their nasal structures. The biggest advantage is that there is no scarring after surgery. Nose Aesthetics Rhinoplasty İstanbul Open Rhinoplasty Open rhinoplasty is performed at a small incision angle between the nostrils in the lower part of the nostril. In this way, the doctor will be able to reach the nose structure more easily to give the desired shape. In this operation, it is ensured that the wound does not attract attention by trying to hide with natural lines. Tip Plasty Tip plasty procedure is different from other techniques. In this operation, the nose tip is formed again without damaging the nose structures. For this technique, closed or open rhinoplasty is preferred.

Am I a good candidate for Nose Aesthetics?

Nose surgery is a highly personalized operation. You have to do this for yourself, instead of someone else’s wishes, you have to decide for yourself. If you have completed the development process and want to have positive realistic goals, you are a candidate for nasal aesthetics.

18 years and over

It is preferred in people who have completed the development process and who are over 18 years old in general.

Physically Healthy

People who are physically healthy and do not have any discomfort to prevent the operation.

Realistic Goals

The realization of the operation in the positive and realistic target people is positively reflected on the result.

What are the risks of Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)?

The decision of plastic surgery is very personal. You will need to decide if your expectations can be met and the risks and potential complications of rhinoplasty are acceptable.

Your plastic surgeon will explain the risks related to the surgery in detail. You will be asked to sign consent forms to make sure you fully understand the procedure and all the risks or possible complications.

The risks of rhinoplasty surgery include:

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing or scarring
  • Changes in skin sensation (lethargy or pain)
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Unsatisfactory appearance
  • Skin discoloration and swelling

These risks and others will be fully discussed before your consent is taken. It is important to discuss all your questions directly with your plastic surgeon.

What should be done before surgery?

Before the rhinoplasty surgery, there are post-operative steps that need to be applied to accelerate healing, reduce post-operative discomfort and minimize the risk of complications.


Before any surgery, it would be advantageous to have a healthy diet for people. Proper nutrition will make recovery faster and reduce the risk of infection. In particular, patients should consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein.


When preparing for the nose aesthetic surgery, people should inform the surgeon about all the medications they are using at the time. Some medications can cause problems before or after surgery. The surgeon may temporarily discontinue the use of a drug or suggest a different alternative.

Please Quit Smoking

Tobacco use slows blood flow throughout the body. As oxygen reaches the incision site slowly, smokers may face a longer recovery, risk of infection, and negative scarring. Smoking should be stopped at least 2 weeks before surgery.

Step by Step Operation Process

Rhinoplasty surgery continues for 1-2 hours depending on the method used by the doctor and the patient’s condition. The common steps in nose surgery are listed below.


1- Anesthesia

The techniques used in rhinoplasty may vary from person to person. General anesthesia is applied according to the operation to make the person feel more comfortable and do not feel pain.

2- IV Sedation

The surgeon anesthetizes your face with local anesthesia and applies a powerful intravenous sedative. The person becomes slightly sleepy and does not remember much about surgery when the drug effect is reduced. Surgeons decide with the clay to determine the best anesthesia for their needs.

3- Surgical Procedure

After applying the necessary anesthetics, the doctor starts the surgical procedure. The surgery is decided before the operation and the operation process start.

4- Tampon

The nose tissue should be protected for the first few days after the nose surgery. After cutting the incisions, the splint is placed for protection. The doctor can apply a tampon to the nose.

What Should I Expect From Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)?

It is normal to experience mild or moderate pain and discomfort with rhinoplasty. This can be easily controlled by medication. Discomfort and pain begin to decrease within 72 hours after the operation. It is recommended that you call your doctor if you experience severe pain after this time.

Post-nasal bruising and swelling are a condition that should be. These symptoms usually worsen on the second day after the operation, and thereafter they recover regularly; it’s normal. The amount of bruising varies greatly from one person to another.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nose Aesthetics İstanbul

What are the benefits of this operation when patients with a complaint of meat and skewness in the nose (deviation)?

Both the concha and curvature will obstruct the breathing process and prevent breathing to a great extent. During the surgery, these complaints are corrected and resolved, and after the operation, the patient is relieved not only visually but also with comfortable breathing.

Do you need to stay in the hospital after nose surgery?

No need to stay in the hospital after aesthetic nose surgery. According to the degree of intervention made, that is to say, in very special cases, according to the risk of surgery, the physician may be kept under surveillance for one day.

When is the full recovery after nasal surgery?

After the nose surgery, bruises in a short time and swelling in some parts of the face can be seen. The bruises disappeared after about 1 week in a shorter time compared to the swellings, but a large part of the swelling was observed in the first 3 weeks, and the complete disappearance of the swelling was observed for 6-9 months according to the degree of operation.

Which is the best season for nose aesthetics?

Nasal aesthetic surgery can be performed in every season, just like any other aesthetic intervention. However, the summer months are not recommended since the sun should be avoided to reduce the swelling. Autumn is the most suitable season for both nose and other plastic surgery.

Is it necessary to have a cut out of the nose for nose operation?

While the aesthetic nose surgery is performed, it is studied by entering from the nostrils without cutting process. Thus, it is not possible to cause any problems such as stitch marks between the two nostrils.