Best Plastic and Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

Mastopexy in Turkey

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Mastopexy in Turkey

7 Days
1 Days
2-4 Hours
General Anesthesia
1-2 Weeks
7th Day


Factors such as pregnancy, birth, frequent weight loss/gain, aging, and genetic factors cause breast sagging in women. Mostly, the nipple sagged after breastfeeding. Mastopexy or breast uplift is the operation of reshaping the sagging tissues.

During a breast uplift, excess skin is removed, and breast tissue is reshaped to uplift the breast.

What’s Mastopexy

Mastopexy is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to change the shape of your breasts. Pregnancy, frequent weight loss or gain, aging, and genetic factors cause sag in breasts.

After breastfeeding, the breast tissue becomes very small and the nipples point downward. This bad image causes to experience self-confidence problems for women and patients feel like any clothes do not look nice on them.

What are the risks?

You’ll have to consider if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risk and potential complications are acceptable.

Possibly risks for Mastopexy:

  • The risks of anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Slow recovery of surgical cuts
  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation
  • Irregularities or asymmetry in the shape and size of the breasts
  • Possibility of reversion surgery

These risks and others will be explained by our consultants before your permission be taken. You must take into consideration all your questions with your plastic surgeon.

Before Surgery

You should talk with your doctor about all details before the surgery. Your doctor will decide what can be done after this conversation.

If you are a smoker or drinker, it’s recommended to quit before the surgery. Also, you shouldn’t take a medicine that has got the antiaggregant effect, such as aspirin.


Your doctor examines the quality of your skin, level of the nipple, quantity of breast tissue after the surgery and decides which operation can be done by taking into consideration the patient’s will. The main purpose of mastopexy is to get the best possible filled breast with the least scar.

Silicone prostheses can be performed with mastopexy for more filled breasts if your quantity of breast tissue isn’t enough for mastopexy. In this way, you can get more filled breasts with less scar.

After the surgery

In the process of healing, patients should follow the recommendations of their doctor. If they listen to their doctors, the healing process will faster.

After a mastopexy, you must avoid sexual activity for one or two weeks. Your doctor will give you information about washing your hair, showering or taking a bath.

What you can expect?

You’ll notice a reversal of your breasts looks. Your breasts look to continue to change for a couple of months. Scars are permanent however in a few weeks they become indistinct. And the scars locate under the bra or swimsuit.

You feel confident again after Mastopexy which is giving you what you want. And this will affect your life.