Best Plastic and Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

Gynecomasty in Turkey

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Gynecomasty in Turkey

7 Days
1 Days
2-4 Hours
General Anesthesia
1-2 Weeks
7th Day

What is Gynecomasty?

Gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size in men, flattening and enhancing the chest contours. This problem leads the person to feel bad both physically and psychologically.

This problem is often due to genetics. But sometimes it may appear without any reason and sometimes it may appear after using medicine or a hormonal disorder.

Gynecomastia is done for reducing breast size in men, straightens, and enhances chest contours.

In some serious gynecomastia cases, excess breast tissues may cause the breast to sag and stretch the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple.) In these cases, the location and size of the areola can be surgically improved and excess skin can be removed.

Am I Good Candidate for Gynecomasty?

Your self-confidence will improve with gynecomastia. So, any male who has the problem of big breasts is suitable for this surgery

It makes you uncomfortable to change your clothes in public, beach, or gym because of the big breasts, and if you are even selective when buying clothes and if you are intending to improve your proportions and want to increase confidence in yourself you are a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery.

What Are The Risks of Gynecomasty

The decision of gynecomastia is very personal. You should decide whether the risks and potential complications of gynecomastia surgery are acceptable or not. Your plastic surgeon will explain the risks of the surgery in detail. You are asked for signing consent forms to make sure fully understand the surgery and all the risks and the possible complications.

Possible risks of gynecomasty surgery include those:

  • Reactions to tape, suture materials, glues, topical preparations or injected agents.
  • The risks of anesthesia
  • Bleeding (hematoma)
  • Blood clots.
  • Breast asymmetry.
  • Breast contour and shape irregularities.
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation may be temporary or permanent.
  • Poor wood healing
  • Possibility of revision surgery

These risks and others will be explained by our consultants before your permission be taken. You must take into consideration all your questions with your plastic surgeon.

How should I prepare for gynecomasty surgery

You should stop smoking and drinking before gynecomastia surgery. You need to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

The success and safety of your gynecomastia depend on your complete candidness during your consultation. You will be asked a lot of questions about your health, what you want from this surgery, and your lifestyle.

Step by step gynecomasty surgery

Gynecomasty sugery is done with under anesthesia. So you don’t feel any pain.



Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedures. The options include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best option for you.


Liposuction Techniques

In cases where gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction techniques alone may be used.


Excision techniques

Excision techniques are recommended where glandular breast tissue or excess skin must be removed to correct gynecomastia. Excision also is necessary if the areola will be reduced or the nipple will be repositioned to a more natural male contour. Incision patterns vary depending on the specific conditions and surgical preference.

Combination of liposuction and excision techniques

Sometimes gynecomastia is treated with both liposuction and excision.


Gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size in men, flattening and enhancing the chest contours. This problem leads the person to feel bad both physically and psychologically. It can be occurred because of various hormonal disorders. Before treatment, the doctor investigates the causative factors then chooses the treatment techniques.

If this disease occurs in adolescence, there is no need to worry and immediate surgery. Because it occurs because of hormonal activity and it disappeared at the end of adolescence. In other words, it is not necessary to start treatment before 18. However, if gynecomastia occurs at the same time as obesity, liposuction can be performed so the person is not affected psychologically.


The patient’s chest will look more masculine. The results can be observed within 3 to 4 months. Surgery is a permanent solution to this problem usually.

To continuation the results you should avoid smoking and alcohol. You need to follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. If you have got any questions about this surgery and after the surgery process you should talk with your doctor.