Best Plastic and Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift in Turkey

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Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift in Turkey

7 Days
1 Days
2-5 Hours
General Anesthesia
2 Weeks
7th Day

Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift

With Endoscopic midface lift surgeries, you can have a younger and fresh look.

It is the lifting of the skin with the incision and the successful removal of the flaccid image by surgery.

Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift

The endoscopic midface lift is a surgical operation to solve the problems in the area around the mouth, cheekbones, cheek, and eyelid area.

In these structures located in the middle area of the face, we can see that sagging and lines become evident with aging and gravity. When this happens, a tired image begins to appear. Endoscopic mid-facelift surgery can also get a younger look.

What does the Endoscopic Mid-face Lifting do?

Endoscopic mid-face lifting is a surgical operation performed with a very small incision with very successful results in people who show early signs of aging without requiring “full face rejuvenation”. In this method, it is an excellent option that gives excellent results in people who have less stenosis and looseness.

In the endoscopic mid-facelift operation, a small number of small incisions in the scalp, temple area, and sometimes in the mouth are applied. The dangling tissues on the cheeks are treated with an endoscope (a small light source camera) and special tools.

How long does an endoscopic mid-face lift surgery last?

Endoscopic mid-face lifting surgery is performed under general anesthesia and in this way the person does not experience any pain during surgery. Surgery usually lasts from 3 to 4 hours.

If the facelift surgery and endoscopic mid-face lifting surgery are done together this process is a little longer.