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Beard and Mustache Transplant in Turkey

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Beard and Mustache Transplant
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Beard and Mustache Transplant

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Beard and Mustache Transplant

The shape of a beard can be different for every person. Genetic factors cause this variety.

Beards start to become thicker after puberty.

Beard and Mustache Transplant

A Beard transplant is a special treatment for men in case there is no hair on the facial area due to serious wounds on the skin, burning, genetics, or any other reason.

In these cases, there is a need for a beard and mustache transplant for the facial area of the patient. As in the same hair transplant, the FUE technique is applied to the patient for the treatment of beard and mustache.


Beard transplant is the process where hair follicles are being collected from the nape area as required by the technique used and are transferred safely to the beard or mustache area.

What’s the reason of lacking Beard and Mustache?

There are many reasons to want a beard and mustache transplant. People prefer beard transplants due to different factors. People who prefer beard and mustache transplants have mostly very sparse beards. In this situation, the hair is taken by the nape.

The other possibility is that hairs appear rarely in the area of beard and mustache. Due to this rarity, people cannot give the shape that they want. Another group of patients needs a beard transplant due to injuries.

After beard and mustache transplant

There will be no trace after beard and mustache transplant. A dark red image is occurred due to a blood clot coming out of the area where the needles are immersed after transplanting. But it can be disappeared with cleaning.

The patient should protect the area after beard and mustache transplantation and be careful while dressing up.