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DHI Method in Turkey

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DHI Method

DHI (Direct Hair Implant) method is made without cutting and without scars left behind.

The hair follicles(grafts) to be used during transplanting are collected while the other hair roots are not damaged. The collected hair follicles are placed in the part to be planted closest to natural without being opened canal that’s why healing is faster.

What’s DHI Method?

This method should be done by experts. A pen called Choi collects grafts then grafts will be planted hairless area with the same pen.

Hair transplantation time is shorter with the DHI method.

How is DHI method transplanted?

After you decide on a hair transplant, you can consult the Nora Clinic expert consultants. First of all, hair analysis is done with special devices located in the hair transplant center. With the help of special devices in our clinic, the density of your hair is measured and the number of hairs to be added (graft) is decided.

The transplantation is performing with local anesthesia and pain-free. The hair to be added in the DHI method is collected from the back of the nape or ear. The planting is carried out with special pencils before the opening of canals in the area to be planted. With the DHI method patients get fast and so natural results.

Advantages of DHI Method

There is no scar after the operation because there will be no cut.

With the DHI method, while transplanting is done, the direction of the hair is adjusted so that the natural appearance is preserved.

It provides more hair follicles(grafts) to plant than other methods, so you will get more intense hair. There is also the possibility of planting without shaving.

How is the healing process in the DHI method?

After five-six days the planting crust stage begins. Then the new hair begins to occur after 3 months. It takes one year to get the desired result.

In the DHI method, hair roots are taken one by one and it is placed in the planting area with a special pencil. The result is as natural as possible with the help of the pencil used. Unlike the classic FUE technique, healing is much faster. In the DHI method, if there are no hair follicles (grafts) that can be taken from the head, it is bought from various parts of the body.